2 to 3 potatoes
Small piece of fat back(enough to get two to three thin slices 1/8" thick)
1 egg
1 onion
1 cup of flour
1 tsp salt style
¼ tsp pepper
Grate potatoes in blender. Add into blender ½ small onion and grate with potatoes. Put into bowl and drain out excess water. Add to bowl, one egg, salt and pepper. Mix and add flour. Cut up the fatback into small squares about 1/8" to ¼" in size. Then take the other half of the onion and chop into small pieces. Fry the fat back in a frying pan until it turns tan or light brownish. Add the onion to the fat back in the frying pan and fry the onions. Do not let the fatback burn or turn black. (It takes longer for the fatback to cook than the onions thats why we add the onions to the fatback later). After the fatback and onions are fried, add them to the potatoes in the bowl. Be sure to add everything in the frying pan to the potatoes, melted grease and all. This adds flavor to the potatoes.
Now you need a thick-walled pan or bowl in which to bake the Babka. This will keep the sides from burning and distribute the heat evenly. Corning wear should work OK. A cast iron frying pan will work great. Spray the pan to keep the pie from sticking to the sides and add the potato mixture. Bake in oven at 400 degrees until golden brown in color. This may take an hour to an hour and 20 minutes. Keep watching it, it may spill over the sides at times so either keep wiping off the sides or have something under the pan to catch the spills. You may have to "kick it up a notch" to 450 degrees toward the end to get the center of the top to brown. After the center browns, reduce the temperature back to 400 degrees and take out soon after. (This may not need to be done; but it might come in handy.) It is best when served hot.